PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Test your vocabulary and spatial skills. Play against the clock to record the highest scores. Select from three levels of play; Easy, Intermediate, and Expert. You can peek at answers, but it will cost you! Save, Retrieve, or Print a game. Review previous highest scorers. Turn sound on/off. On screen help. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: Requires Windows 3.0 or later, 400k disk space. PROGRAM FILES: (all are in a compressed format) File Description Setup.exe Installs Jumble Fever Setup.inf Installation data file Jumble.zxe Jumble Fever executable file Jumble.zni Program data file Menuhlp.zxt Help text file Howhlp.zxt Help text file words.zhr Words source file CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED: Individual users may freely copy this disk and share it with friends and family. Nonprofit groups may distribute copies of this disk. A fee of no more than $10.00 may be charged. Disk distributors and dealers must have written permission before selling copies of this disk. You may not charge more than $10.00 for a copy of this disk, and you must identify it as Shareware in your offer to sell it. The files on this disk may not be omitted or modified in any way. The registration fee for this program is $10.00 plus $4.00 postage. Upon registration, you receive the latest update plus a supply of additional words for over 5000 different games. The additional word supply is not Shareware and may not be distributed by anyone other than Fusion Software, Inc. which retains all ownership of the additional words. The registrant is given license to use the words on only one computer at any time.